DAY 241: Dim

Why is it so bright in here?! I took the pillow off my face because I thought I would be welcomed by the sun, not viciously attacked by it. Why is my water bottle empty? Why is the sink so far away? Why isn’t anyone answering me?! Oh, shit… it’s probably because I’m hungover on a Saturday morning… that explains a lot.

DAY 240: Brew

I like mine cold. If its brewed, I probably appreciate its rich flavor. I actually feel rich when I drink cold brew, and poor when I buy it. Brewed bevys are the honeybee’s knees, With the exception of matcha. I despise matcha. Love green tea, hate matcha. It is chalky and vile. To each their own, though. I like well brewed beer too. Come to think of it, I like badly brewed beer. I guess I just love beer. And there you have it, a few brews that I love. Have a great Friday!

DAY 239: Plastics

Why do we use so much of them if we’re not willing to find sustainable solutions to recycle them? Time to get to work, people. I find that, often times, simple solutions can solve the most complex of problems. Thinking big should start small!

DAY 238: Keys

New keys are a big deal in this city, receiving and replacing. The receiving brings relief, while the replacing brings stress. Hold on to those keys if you have em, and always celebrate the receiving of new ones for new abodes. Me? I’m hoping for a celebration.

DAY 237: Bam

Bam Baklava is the man. I feel like his large body has the effect of a planet, people gravitate towards him and kind of just rotate around, observing him as he goes. His newfound oil painting ability is so dope, and it makes me want to explore a new canvas!

DAY 236: Shimmy

We all need a shameless shimmy every once in a while, even if it has to be done in secret. Let loose and just move. Do it where ever you are comfortable, but do it nonetheless. I promise you wont regret it.

DAY 235: Run

In NY we use our legs all day, but why is it that adding a run to your regime of daily activities make us so much happier? Endorphins? Or maybe its just that a healthy body breeds a healthy mind.

DAY 233: Sound

It’s all around. It’s vital. I absolutely love sound. We underestimate the impact it has on our emotions. The world without sound would be a drastically different place.

DAY 232: Rom

I’ve always wondered what the “Rom“ stood for in CD Rom. For some reason I’ve never looked it up, but I bet its something less than exciting. I feel like things should just be named after random people, like Romkowski or something. That would be more fun, plus people would have no idea otherwise because, like me, I doubt they’ve ever looked it up.

DAY 231: Crazy

Yes, crazy is attractive. Noone wants to say it, but something so out of the ordinary draws our attention like a hot brand. It’s that primal, unfiltered light that we see someone who acts crazy through that I love. I think we should show crazy more often, we might learn a thing or two.

DAY 230: Low

When something happens “on the low,“ you expect that not a lot of people have knowledge of it. But why do we say on the low? Is it because something is low-key, or is the story behind the phrase much more ornate? Could it be that there was a man named “Lowenthal“ who had a hand in creating the phrase we all know and love? Maybe when he touched things they turned invisible, hence if something was on top of Lowenthal, it might not be easily seen. This is all just speculation, of course, but an interesting possible backstory nonetheless.

DAY 229: Jimothy

Yes this is an odd combination of Timothy and Jim, but what fun would naming be if you couldn’t mix it up a bit. I think if I ever get a dog, I’ll have to consider the name “Jimothy” because of the reaction people will have when they hear it. Or maybe I’ll just name it “Cat” to confuse the shit out of them. Only time will tell..

DAY 228: Tired

Somehow I’m always tired. I think sleep might be one of, if not the greatest, thing in existence. Most people I know do very little sleeping, so it becomes that much more valuable. Tired eyes reflect success!

DAY 227: Wide

Football is here and the Ducks are in full force. Well, almost full force. A win is a win, but bigger teams call for better plays. Our wide receivers need to work on holding on to the ol ball. Next week is Stanford, and College Game day. Let’s get it, Ducks.

DAY 226: Balances

Life calls for balance, but its not often that we can find a perfect balance of things. Balance is a constant pursuit, here’s to chasing balance like a chicken with its head cut off!

DAY 225: Checks

Nike has checks, so do multiple choice tests. Come to think of it, I haven’t had to use a Scantron form in years. I don’t miss grades, but filling those out was always interesting.

DAY 224: Blush

I have a few sneakers that are “blush“ and/or “nude” and I love them. Buuut, the real problem with these shades of tan is that they aren’t practical in the winter and fall months. Regardless, I’ll still rock them with confidence, but deep down I’ll be aggressively worried that mud will make its way into their pristine fabrics.

DAY 223: Plush

Imagine if every hard surface in the world felt like a plush toy, while still being structurally sound. That would be quite the phenomenon. Hand rails… soft to the touch. Buildings… like big ol pillows. I feel like people would take more baths if this was the case, but then again, it might feel like seaweed underwater, and that’s just creepy. We may never know, I guess.