209: Blue-teeth

I'm always a little confused by bluetooth technology. How in the world does it work?! Seems like some sort of Harry Potter trickery, but its not something I would expect David Blaine to mess with, since he is simply an illusionist, so don't get it twisted. It makes me think there had to have been a guy by the name of, lets just say... Blootoof, who was like, "man, wouldn't it be cool if you cut the wires off this/these (enter any wire-connected electronic device here) and it/they still worked?!" The guy was definitely a battery-neglecting genius if, in fact, he did exist.

DAY 208: Plush

I need a giant plush bear to nap on. I feel like if there was a sort of "Ted" in every household and office across the nation people would just be happier and maybe even Nappier. Oh, and I still wholeheartedly believe in the nap-pod philosophy, being that if every advertising agency in the world had a nap-pod or two, employee morale would go through the roof. Just sayin'.

DAY 207: Shammy

Remember ShamWOW! ? Well not the product, but the sales guy. Dude was crazy, but he made that boring-ass towel seem like the solution to world hunger or something. Back in the day, I had nothing I needed a shammy for, but wanted one so bad. Maybe some day, Teej, maybe some day.

DAY 206: Steam

It's freakin steamy out there folks. I cant believe its still absurdly humid. How?! Why?! Mother nature must be pissed at NY for being so loud, and pushing her out. I'd probably have a vendetta too.

DAY 205: Another

Just another Friday. What in the world will I do today? Maybe some croquet? Naw, just kidding. I have no back yard to play in. Not to mention, who in the world owns a croquet set?! Maybe I'll be the game's next big investor...

DAY 202: Leon

The east Brooklyn lion. Snow white rice falling from carelessly tossed bags. Thousands of grains, meaning little to us, but lots to the foragers of this place. A wall becomes something far different from a divider. Overgrown grass, a jungle, and pools of old rain, the meeting place of gentlemen.

DAY 201: Force

A pair of Low white Air Force 1s is a sneaker staple that I started neglecting during the "maturing" of my 8th grade year. What a dumb move. Just absolutely counter-productive. I have now rescinded all decisions made in my early youth, and am reverting back to traditional "steez."

In Lamens terms: I bought Air Forces.

DAY 200: Big day

Day 200 of writing every single day, because sometimes a guy should be writing instead of doing other less productive things.

Thoughts: "Dear, sweet baby Jesus. Swaddled in robes and blankets. Surrounded by gold and myrrh. Laying naked in front of a crowd, but not caring because you are in fact, Jesus, and also a baby. Thank you for putting food in my fridge, and letters in my fingertips. I need these things, and one could not exist without the other."

DAY 199: Slime

Why is it always green? Ask yourself if you've ever actually seen slime? I can tell you in full confidence, that I have never seen slime in person. This begs the question of whether slime really exists. Can one have "faith" in slime existing? That's for you to decide. I'm gonna call it a mythical item in the meantime.

DAY 198: Matcha Cake & Pork Buns

Separately they're amazing. Together, they're a unique combination that I would say someone like Golem would find resembles a weird mass that grows in the cracks of his cave. A whole bunch of stuff that nobody needs, but everybody wants. Throw coffee into the mix and you have yourself a gut bomb. Yes, I'm describing the way my belly feels at the moment. Unfortunately fortunate.

DAY 197: Beat

Man, I'm beat at the moment. You know when you've just been thinking non-stop and your body shouts "NO" but your brain says "yes?" That's where I'm at. I keep falling into creative-blackouts and when I come out, there's a bunch of earthshaking copy on the page somehow. Where did it come from? Was it me?! I may never know.

DAY 195: Pizza

It's good sometimes. Other times, all I want to do is throw a pizza out the window, hope that it has enough inertia to carry it all the way out into space, and just keep flying along infinitely so I never have to see it ever again.

DAY 194: Invisiblade

Those Dyson vacuums are crazy. Some may choose to call them things like "extra" and "eccentric." I, on the other hand, deem them "elite." The reason for this is, while I do agree they may be 1/3rd extra, their power and design accounts for 2/3rds. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a winning fraction on the scale-o-timothy, and should be treated as such. 

DAY 193: Chapped

I don't understand how chapped lips are a thing when its super humid outside. You'd think that the wet-hot air would act like natural moisturizer, but instead my lips feel like they were just pressed against dry ice for some brief period of time. Chapstick is great, but it has no effect. Damnit, Burt, your bees just arent doing it for me, bud.

DAY 192: 'Splaining

'Splain to me how it can be hot as hell and still raining. If you were batman I would have asked you to "riddle me this" but, alas, you are not, and I doubt he'd be able to answer this question anyways. In the meantime, I'll be here, waiting for an answer.

DAY 191: Mangos

Picture this... an island breeze caresses your face, ushering in salty air and the smell of sand. You look up, only to be blinded by the blaring sun. Your gaze turns to the only thing your eyes can commit to, the earth and its infinite mini-rocks, gleaming like diamonds manipulated by a jeweler. While the colors around you come back into focus, the echoed sound of a massive wave crashing seems to grab hold of your very being. Your body moves as if acted upon by some unseen force, and you are raised like a puppet between curtains. The ocean begins to draw you in, as you seem to float effortlessly towards the water's edge. Out of nowhere, your little sister appears wide-eyed and full sprint. Before you even have a chance to grasp the moment at hand, your legs buckle. She has engulfed your ankles completely, and your head begins to plummet. Down, down, down. Until, your sweat-laden face becomes one with sand. You have been defeated, and your prize, stripped from your fingers.

DAY 190: Duke

It's a great name for a dog. The only problem with this logic is that when people start to consistently name dogs something, that name becomes less appropriate for humans. In all honesty, who wants to name their kid Duke? Way back when dogs didn't have names, sure, name your firstborn duke, but nowadays that's not practical nor is it kind. Why do you think there are so many dogs named duke stuck in the pound?!